Apa itu Simulasi ?

Simulasi dalam sistem manufaktur adalah penggunaan perangkat lunak untuk membuat model komputer dari sistem manufaktur, sehingga dapat dianalisis dan dioptimasi. Bidang ilmu simulasi sistem telah diindikasikan sebagai salah satu keilmuan yang paling populer dan dibutuhkan di kalangan manajer perusahaan manufaktur. Namun, penggunaannya masih terbatas karena kompleksitas beberapa paket perangkat lunak yang ada, dan kurangnya pemahaman beberapa pengguna di bidang probabilitas dan statistik.

If you want to master specific skill on modelling and simulation with Flexsim, consider to join eLok. You'll complete a series of modules, create model, do worksheets, and share with lectures.


Simulation with Agent Based Modelling

written by: M. Fajri Simulation is one method to solve a problem. By doing a simulation, it can be seen the factors that influence a system, and can see changes in the system when one of the elements in the ...

Increasing Productivity in Bangkit Gallery

written by: M. Fajri Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role to help the regional economy. According to BCIG (2016), SMEs contributes 99.95% of the number of enterprises in Indonesia. This shows that the SMEs has considerable opportunities ...

Video Series

This series of short videos will show you the basics to FlexSim. You'll learn the steps to building a simulation model, as well as an introduction to some of the powerful tools and features
